Технические характеристики маршрутизатора Juniper MX10008-BASE: ○ 19.2 Tbps
- Switch fabric capacity per slot
○ 2.4 Tb (24 x 100GbE)
- DPCs and/or MPCs per chassis MX10008
○ 8 (MPCs only)
○ 3
- Dimensions (W x H x D) MX10008
○ 17.4 x 22.75 x 32 in (44.2 x 57.76 x 81.28 cm), 39.3-in (1000 mm) deep with EMI door; 13 U
○ 330 lb (149.69 kg) excluding line cards or 582.6 lb (264.26 kg) with 8 line cards
○ 4-post rack mounting
○ 200-240 VAC / 50-60 Hz or -48 VDC at 60A
○ 32° to 115° F (0° to 46° C) at sea level
○ (Operating) 5 to 90 percent noncondensing
○ Up to 6000 feet